
On-Chain Registry: Cosmos-SDK Asset List

GitHub Python

As blockchain assets transition between various chains within the Cosmos ecosystem and beyond, the need arises for a precise tool to monitor this intricate data flow. Meet the On-Chain Registry (OCR) – meticulously designed to compile all proof-of-nodes data, offering a timely and detailed snapshot of the current asset landscape.

Proof-of-Nodes Concept

Rather than a static registry, the OCR represents a living, constantly updating protocol that sources data straight directly from nodes. This mechanism leads to:





OCR provides an interface for updating, storing, and accessing data on-chain. This enables it to dynamically adapt to the ever-changing state of the chains.

API & IBC Tokens Verification. OCR functions as a robust and secure API, offering users the capability to verify Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) tokens with trusted and verified metadata. This feature further enhances the transparency and security of cross-chain transactions.

Integration of External Registries. In the pursuit of providing an all-encompassing data access point, OCR integrates data from other registries as well. This guarantees that users have a comprehensive, unified, and updated view of the entire blockchain ecosystem.


On-chain based data allows viewing of all existing assets:

assets charts

Asset Data Structure

OCR uses a chain-registry like asset data structure for better compatibility.
assetlist schema

Differences from the chain-registry asset data structure:

Contract queries

Query schema
Query examples

How to deploy

clone repo and optionally edit the .env file

git clone https://github.com/Snedashkovsky/on-chain-registry && \
cd on-chain-registry && \
cp .env.example .env

install python virtual environment and requirements in it

make install_venv

update asset list

make update

Data Sources

REST APIs Queries


We warmly welcome pull requests, issues, and feedback from the community.